Mr. Denis Petrov
Mr. Denis Petrov
Dec 9, 2020
Company Information
Manufacturer & Factory,Trading Company
5-50 People
<1 Million USD
Celinieku 12, Riga, Ziemelu Raj., Latvia,Riga,Ziemelu Raj.,Latvia
The company Mebelmaks Ltd. was established in 2000 in Riga, Latvia. The company is dealing with manufacturing and selling of soft furniture. The amount of employees consists of 10 persons. Our production volume is 120-200 units per month. The assortment includes around 10 models of soft furniture. The company "Mebelmaks" is selling its products with the help of different shops. We have a contract with each shop we work with.

The company "Mebelmaks" is interested in buying furniture and selling it on the markets of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Sofa, Arm Chairs, Sofa-Bed